Cricket with piraadyache bat

Abdul wahid shaikh




In today’s gadget Laden world, children seldom get a chance to experience outdoor games. Playing traditional outdoor games was previously the only way to enjoy and have a break for children unlike today’s era wherein video games have conquered almost everychilds time. Playing outdoors, not only us an undoubtedly enjoyable experience but it also is one of the healthiest ways to pass time and have fun.

In goa, when we were youger we would make our own makeshift cricket bats out of cocunut leaf stalks called piraada in konkani and play cricket with it .Sometimes we used to get bored playing with the same regular cricket bats so we would recycle the coconut leaf stalk and make use of it for playing cricket. Playing with the piraadyache bat is a lot fun .As due to its shape it is unpredictable for the fielders as to which direction the ball would go as compared to a regular bat.

The rules for playing this game are similar to cricket is played but we would adjust the rules to make the experience better and enjoyable.Eventually the team scoring the most runs would win the game.However there was one catch;You could call it an additional rule -the losing team would have to perform a task in accordance to the winning one-a punishment of a sort in the form of a silly task or a dare.

I’d like to conclude this article by mentioning how amazing it felt taking this little trip down the memory lane.It reminded me of how fun and refreshing these games would and also advicing little children to follow their roots sometimes and playing these games as well as being creative and using available resources to make up their own refreshing and enjoyable games.

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